Tuesday, July 20, 2010


How come it is SO easy to fail? I find myself worse off than I was last year. I am fat. I am miserable and I'm spiraling downward into a pit that I fear I cannot climb out of. I just am at a crossroads. I HAVE to get back on the bandwagon. I HAVE to do something to better my health and future or my husband will HAVE to watch me slowly kill myself. I am finding out that right now I am committing suicide by unheathy living. Every day my life is cut shorter and shorter. Can I reverse it? Of course! And I will!

I have decided to visit my blog every day and keep a constant vigil on it. I am also going to keep track of the foods I eat and hold myself accountable (ible?).

I watched a re-run of Oprah yesterday and was shocked by the information. I know I've been told things like that before from my sister, but to see it in all it's glory and have it "dumbed down" to my level of understanding was eye-opening. It was about diabetes. My father, grandmother and uncle are all afflicted and I'm pretty sure I'm close in the running. Not anymore. No more will I feel sorry for myself. It's an excuse. A pretty lame one at that.

Again, wish me luck, pray for me and help me out if I am falling!