Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay, shit. That's the only word that I have to describe it. Shit. I can say it multiple times, SHIT SHIT SHIT, and that's the only word that I can use to convey my feelings. I feel like shit. I'm a piece of shit. I have eaten a bunch of shit. See? There is a running theme in my life right now. Shit.

As you know, I started so well. 50 lbs in a little over 4 months. Well, I've officially gained 30 of it back. The glass half full side of me says, "hey, it's not ALL back on", but the glass half empty side says "you IDIOT!" I'm going to have to agree with the glass half empty girl.

I just don't know why the bad stuff tastes so damned good! Once I'm not eating the shit for about a week, I don't really miss eating it. Until that one "taste" and I'm instantly hooked again. But, dernit if I don't feel like shit afterwards. See? There's that word again. Shit. I feel like shit on the physical level because of all the shit that I just ingested and then I feel like shit on the mental level because I let myself down. And here is where I learned a lesson. I let "MYSELF" down. Nobody else, myself. I'm sure along the way I have let other people in my life down. My father, for example, was let down when I didn't make the volleyball team my sophomore year in high school. This is where he says I lost my self esteem. In some part, he is correct. I had never been cut from any team in my life. Softball, basketball, volleyball, Pom Pon (quit that for volleyball tho). All my years of trying out, I succeeded. My sophomore year. Nope. FAILURE. I failed to make the volleyball team and I disappointed my family. So, I joined the band. I had fun in the band. But I still didn't have the respect of my dad. He actually said to me, when I didn't make the team "well, I guess you're not my champion anymore". WHAT? Seriously? And I thought not making the team was mentally hard for myself. Then I had to deal with my dad saying shit like this? (see...shit again) For years I have blamed that kind of insensitivity for my issues. My sister and I sitting in the back seat, me 6 years her junior and her commenting about how big my arms were. Her asking me at her wedding why I was so fat. In essence, she was embarassed of me because of my size. I'm pretty sure at that point, she didn't want me in her wedding, but it wouldn't have looked good to any of her friends if she were asked why her sister wasn't in her wedding anymore. I can just hear her explanation now. "well you see, I wanted my wedding party to look nice and I wanted the pictures to be an example of the life I lead, healthy and good looking" Neither of which I am, by the way. I used my other sister's death in 1992 as a crutch for my feelings. I wanted people to feel sorry for me because my sister died. Can you believe it? My sister just lost her life at the young age of 24 and I was using it to be the center of attention. I'm an asshole.

Have you ever heard the old adage that if someone tells you something for long enough that you start to believe it? And that you eventually become it? I am living proof. All through grade school I was told that I was fat. Sure, I was thick, but I was NOT fat. I look back at the pictures now and think that the people who told me I was fat were jealous of me because I had a GREAT personality to boot and they could never fault me for that. I was a person who cared more about her classmates understanding their school work than me getting mine done. I was very nice to all of the teachers, which subsequently earned me the "apple polisher award" at 8th grade graduation. This is something that I was really embarassed about. I didn't want to be known as a kiss-ass, but all of the teachers knew me because of my sisters. They all liked me. All of them. I never had a teacher that didn't like me. I was a good person, a good student and a good athlete. I may not have been the prettiest of girls (thanks to my dad's genetics) but I was awesome (read dork, geek, nerd) in my own right. As I said, I look back on the pictures growning up and I realize that the people who were calling me fat were bigger than I was at some point. Now, I take the cake (probably becuase I ate the cake).

My husband is a Godsend. I think he is one person who TRULY accepts my faults and never has anything negative to say about them. We are both fat, but that's not what makes us who we are. My husband has NEVER said to me that I have to lose weight for him to love me. He has never ever ever said that I shouldn't eat something because it will pack on the pounds. Instead he's always right by my side eating the same shit. HA! Some days I wonder what would have happened to me had I never met him. He has done WONDERS for my self esteem. My mental status has grown leaps and bounds all because of him. He tells me that I am beautiful, and I believe him. He tells me that I am the best thing that ever happened to him, and I believe him (although I wonder how bad his life really was that I was the high point..LOL). I love that man. With every ounce of my soul. I love him.

Back to me. I am now beginning to realize that no matter what other people think of me, I have only myself to answer to. Free will and all. Nobody made me eat ice cream, Doritos, Oreos, McDonalds. These were all choices I made. They were the wrong choices, but they were my choices indeed.

The best choice I made EVER..was to meet Bob at Chevys for dinner. That was when my life truly began.

For now, I'm still fat, but I have accepted the fact that in order to change that, I had to find fault within myself. I have found it. I will work on it. I will lose weight. I love me.

1 comment:

  1. And I love you...for who you are...and I also believe you are beautiful, inside and out! I believe in you! Kay
