Monday, April 26, 2010

Crawling back up on the wagon

I have stumbled and tripped and halfway fallen off the wagon. Time to get back in the saddle and in control.

Surprisingly, I didn't go back up in weight like I thought I would have. As of last night, our weekly weigh-in put me square at 398lbs. Okay, that was the first hurdle, getting under the 4-century mark. Now it's time to work toward some unset goal... how about 325? Once I get there, I'll see what mark to set next... maybe 275? 250? 225? Time will tell...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Okay, so I didn't do as well as my husband. I actually gained 4 pounds! I guess walking DOES help. I did not really stray TOO bad from my diet, a few treats here and there, but I did not exercise.

I have had a few pieces of news that have rattled me to the core...will divulge later...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Survey says!

Jumped on the scale after a week of non-exercise, travel, and holiday treats. I didn't lose a single pound (no surprise there). I also didn't gain a single pound (surprise there). It'll be good to get back to eating good and doing some physical labor. Let's see if I can make this next week a good one.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Afraid to look...

I'll be the first to admit that I strayed from our plan of healthy eating while on my trip, along with it being Easter. I'm afraid to see what that scale is going to tell me tonight.

I am happy to report, however, that I tried on an older pair of pants that is a size smaller than what I wear now... and they fit!!!! Already seeing changes!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's good to be back.

Got back from my trip for work and will be glad to get back to walking with my sweetie. Even though I was standing and walking around a big manufacturing facility, and went for a walk after dinner, it still wasn't the same as doing a good ol' fashioned trip around the neighborhood.

I tried to eat semi-healthy while I was down there, but I may not have fully succeeded. I'm quite sure this Sunday's weigh-in will reflect it.