Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm still here

Okay...so I'm not the incredible shrinking woman, but I have now dropped a total of 31 lbs. GO ME!! Now, I've not been exercising, although I've thought about it a lot. Especially walking the dogs because they absolutely LOVE it..and it makes them happy. I just still lack the motivation to go do this stuff they call, exercise.

I'm not going to say that this diet has been easy, I am shopping and COOKING all the friggin time, but it's not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Maybe that's because my husband is doing it with me and even though I don't see the results on myself, I see his results and it motivates me.

This week, for example, he had a breakthrough. When we first got married I had to buy him a different wedding ring since we misjudged the size and got one that was a tad too small. Since his ring is titanium, it cannot be sized so I bought him a different one. Now, his original ring fits!!! I am SO proud of my husband because I know it's not easy for him to eat a salad every day with dressing he really doesn't like. And for him to eat vegetables is amazing. I am truly awed by his dedication to this diet. GO BOBBY!

For now, I am trying to keep myself from diving into the candy bowls at work. There is a giant bowl of smarties here that is calling my name. Can't you hear it? It's deafning.........

Monday, November 1, 2010

Still droppin'!

Week 7 gone and so is another 5 pounds for me! Now I'm down to 373! Nothing like a good performance gear ratio to stop at!

It's results like this that is keeping me motivated. It was hard as hell looking at that bowl of Halloween candy and not digging in for a handful (like I used to) of yummy goodness.

I think our new tea kick will help sooth our sweet tooth, having a bit of splenda in each cup.