Saturday, December 25, 2010

And the Christmas results are in...

When we first started this "diet", I didn't think about any goals, just losing weight. Shortly after we started, we decided to try to lose 50 pounds each by Christmas.

As of this morning, I've lost 51 pounds. Success!!!!

Now it's on to phase 2. I'm going to shoot for an additional 75 pounds by June 18th of 2011. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Results, they keep a-comin'

This past Monday morning (Dec 13th) was our 13th week weigh-in. Down 47 pounds since Sept 13th. Lot's o 13's in this scenario, wierd... Just 3 more pounds until I hit my target of losing 50 by Christmas. The problem lies in the fact that it's holiday food and cookie time.... temptation will be strong, but must hold steady to hit the 50.

Beckie is doing awesome as well, but I'll let her post about herself, I don't want to steal her thunder.

I think I've finally gotten a target number to shoot for. I'm not sure I ever had one, but here it is:

275. That is what I want to get down to. I don't have a timeframe for when, but I do know that between now and June (when a wedding takes place that Beckie is going to be in) I'd like to lose as much as I can toward that target.

We'll see...