Friday, February 12, 2010

The journey begins...

After several (okay, many) years of saying "yeah, I need to do something about my weight/shape/health/etc...", I finally made the step (hopefully lasting longer than my other weakly-focused, failed attempts) to do something about it. It's only going to get harder the longer I wait, so in the 2nd half of my 33rd year of life, it's time to do something; and do it big.

I ordered the P90X Extreme Training system today, and added the P90X Plus extended workouts to the order. That makes for a total of about 18 dvd's and other assorted charts and guides (dietary, supplementary, etc) that'll be coming our way. My plan is for my wife and I to actually take this serious and get into shape so we can do and enjoy more in life (and hopefully extend life, too).

Besides, losing weight has to be good for racing, too... nothing like holding my breath trying to squeeze into a car 4 sizes too small, and be weighed down. I'm hoping to take my friend up on her offer to driver her Z06 one day... one day...


  1. That makes for a total of about 18 dvd's and other assorted charts and guides (dietary, supplementary, etc) that'll be coming our way.
